Westpark Suites

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Personal Accident Insurance

covers individuals and groups from the physical injuries and financial loss

Don't wait for an accident to happen to cover yourself

About the Personal Accident Insurance cover

Personal Accident Insurance is a policy to cover individuals and groups from the physical injuries and financial loss. It covers death, permanent disability, temporary total disablement, accidental medical expenses, funeral expenses, hospital cash, artificial appliances among other things. It caters for bodily injuries and also covers pure financial indemnity to the insured in form of death and disability benefits.

Personal Accident Insurance is similar to the Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA) which is a statutory insurance provided by employers to all employees. The only difference is that WIBA only covers employees during official working hours and duties while a PA covers the insured at all times. A newer product WIBA+ has been introduced which offers employees all round protection in and out of the office similar to a PA cover.

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