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Motor Vehicle Insurance

covers the policyholder in case of financial losses

more about the insurance

Motor insurance is an insurance policy that covers the policyholder in case of financial losses resulting from an accident or other damages sustained by the insured vehicle.

A comprehensive motor insurance policy covers damages to third-party and third-party property along with compensating for own losses as well.

How to make a comprehensive insurance claim?

a) Report the Incident to the Police

Report the incident to the nearest police station so at to get a police abstract. If it’s a car accident, wait at the scene of the accident for traffic policemen to arrive to ascertain who is at fault. This report will be the basis for making your claim.

b) Report Incident to your Broker/Agent or Insurance Company

Try to do this as fast as possible preferably while still at the accident scene. The broker/agent or insurance company will offer you guidance regarding the information you need to collect to facilitate the processing of claims.

c) Fill a Claim Form

Fill a claim form and fill it truthfully. After filing the form, make all necessary attachments and forward it to the broker/agent or the insurance company.

d) Await Investigation or Valuation

If your car requires repairs, then the insurance company will tow it to a garage and send a valuer to look at it. The company will then pay for repairs. In the case where the company feels the claim is not proper, it will commence its own investigations and it will then proceed based on the recommendations of the investigators.

e) Receive Compensation

If the claim requires compensation as is the case when a car is written off, the company will send the compensation money to your bank account.

Know when you are covered

Comprehensive Insurance policy covers the following:

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